After much searching, I found a reference to pebreda in a French lexicographical database*! It seems to be an uncommon alternative term for pèbre d'aï, which is a Provencal dialect term for an herb translated as "donkey pepper" or poivre d'âne in standard French. The herb in question can also be called "sarriette" (sometimes translated it seems as "summer savory") and does indeed have little leaves. Thanks for this excuse to procrastinate :)

*Source: https://www.cnrtl.fr/definition/bhvf/p%C3%A8bre

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Wow, thank you for this! This made my day. Summer savory is pretty widely available, too, at least according to the internet. I'll make this chicken!

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I found that using bread flour instead of AP works a lot better for the noodle dough! Referenced in this video - https://youtu.be/8qRkGGia3PI?t=26

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Yep, bread flour is better for noodles, although an AP like Gold Medal Blue Label is effectively a bread flour, since it has a relatively high protein content, and you can use it to make decent noodles.

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Jell-O really suffered from pressure to be performative in its last hey-day of the 1970s. When all it really needs to be is good juice presented as dessert. I think Pinterest foods when through a similar life cycle in the early 2010s, so maybe there's hope that in 50 years those will reincarnate in a better form too.

More on the topic at: https://borschtforbreakfast.substack.com/p/9-how-tasty-videos-became-millennial-aspic

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I've been waiting for things encased in aspic to make a return for...forever!

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Now’s our time to shine!

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